And The Best Thing About Ridgeland Is...
(A Subjective And Fun Rundown About Why We Are So Darn Great)
10. FOOD: Our city has some of the best restaurants in town: The best Italian (Fratesi's), the most unique (High Biscuits) the most elegant (Ely's, Shapley's) the best "new kids on the block' (Doe's Eat Place) the best burgers (Burgers And Blues) and so, so many others like Kathryn's, Amerigo, etc. You can't go hungry here. And if you overeat, well there's plenty of...
9. OUTDOOR RECREATION: Ridgeland has actual sidewalks upon which you can run, walk or ride; the cool shade of Friendship Park; the impeccable and beautiful Natchez Trace trails--our City has so many wonderful areas and places conducive to exercise and enjoying the outdoors that there is no excuse not to go and "just do it."
8. MAYOR GENE McGEE: No, I'm not kissing up. But let's face it: Gene McGee brings stability and calmness, along with an open door policy, to City Hall. Plus, the Mayor is known for his pro-business and pro-development philosophy. And, hey: isn't it cool to see him burning up the miles on his bike?! Can YOUR Mayor do that? While other cities in the Metro promise "progressive vision" (i.e., a hike in property taxes) Gene McGee delivers through being a business advocate.
7. POLICE FORCE: Bar none, Ridgeland has the most professional and courteous police force I've ever encountered. Now I'm sure they can be tough when they have to be but in normal dealings with the public they are, to a man and woman, highly thoughtful and reliable. A lot of that credit has to go to Chief John Neal.
6. RETAIL: Want local shopping? Ridgeland has it in droves. Want national, brand names? Ditto. Spend your money here--there's absolutely no reason to go anywhere else.
4. ACCESSIBILITY: You're never more than, what, ten minutes away from ANYTHING in Ridgeland? Incredible convenience and proximity to whatever you may need or want.
3. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Don't believe me? Call Sandra Rives Monohan at the City or read the magazine she publishes, Ridgeland Life, to see what all our city has to offer. There's something to do for all ages--and really not enough time in the week.
2. FRIENDLINESS: It's intangible, I know, and maybe subjective--but I swear everybody waves here in Ridgeland. Whereas when you cross the Spillway into Brandon you might get run over or ignored (or worse) in other areas, Ridgeland's community is indeed just that: a community. And a very friendly one.
1. ????? You tell us! Our school system? Our neighborhoods? Our diversity? The nicest City employees? Let's hear from you...